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Leakage test of radiation sources
Our company has been performing leakage tests of radiation sources for years. Due to continuous improvements, we can offer our partners leakage tests of sealed radiation sources and contribution in the prolongation of the service life of sealed radiation sources.
16/2000. (VI.8.) EüM (Hungary Ministry of Health) regulation
about the implementation of certain provisions of Act CXVI. of 1996 on atomic energy
3.6.65 It is forbidden to operate equipment using outdated radiation source. The time of use shall be adjusted to the time of service. If the producer does not provide the time of service, the time of use shall be determined by the Radiation Hygiene Centre, based on expert’s opinion. The time of use determined in this way shall not be more than 15 years. The time of use can be extended max. two times, not exceeding 10 years in total, and it shall be based on the expert’s opinion of the NRIRR.